

$mickey  $mickey $mickey $mickey



The first coin using the public domain Mickey Mouse known as Steamboat Willie $MICKEY.

Steamboat Willie is the first character that Walt Disney designed and enters public domain (unlimited use) on January 1st, 2024.

Steamboat Willie is a combination of nostalgia, modern tech, and classic art all wrapped into $MICKEY.

0/0% taxes


We are the first project to take advantage of the copyright laws being lifted on Steamboat Willie

on January 1, 2024 and are dropping an NFT collection featuring the iconic character. You can only get the Steamboat Willie NFTs using $MICKEY, which will
be burned after mint is done.

1928 supply + instant reveal (12am ET/9pm PT) Jan 1st, 2024

$MICKEY in the media


1. Establish social presence (create Twitter + Telegram)
2. Create community surrounded by $MICKEY lovers
3. Coingecko and Coinmarketcap listings
4. 10,000 Holders and CEX listing
5. Steamboat Willie $MICKEY merchandise

